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        Suzhou Jinji Lake Half Marathon has been upgraded year by year

        Date:2023-03-17 11:01|Source: |Visits:

        The Suzhou Jinji Lake Half Marathon has been expanding and upgrading. The number of the participants in each session was larger than in the previous one.

        In addition to the half marathon, the parent-child marathon (the mini marathon) and the short-distance marathon have been added to the program.

        The Suzhou Jinji Lake Half Marathon was rated a national-level sports event in 2013, and a “Gold Label Road Race” by Chinese Athletic Association in 2016. It was designated a “World Athletics Label Road Race” in 2021, when it was integrated into the Grand Canal Marathon Series.

        The application of advanced technology has made the Suzhou Jinji Lake Half Marathon more attractive. This year, the “Cloud Jogging”, an online platform with virtual marathon courses for contestants to make preparations for the event, was improved, while the WeChat program called “Everything about the Event” provided all information about the event.

        Carrying the hopes of more and more people, the Suzhou Jinji Lake Half Marathon will keep running.

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