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        Suzhou Jinji Lake Half Marathon is a big party in spring

        Date:2023-03-17 17:00|Source: |Visits:

        It is learnt that more than 60,000 people applied for participation in this year’s Suzhou Jinji Lake Half Marathon, and eventually half of them gained the entry through a draw lot. Back to 2010, only 4,800 people ran in the first session.

        The Suzhou Jinji Lake Half Marathon has won increasing popularity over the past 14 years. A total of 300,000 people have competed in it. The average age of the runners is 33, with the youngest being 4 and the oldest 84. Among them are about 2,000 expatiates, and also many renowned marathon runners, enterprises’ executives, white-collar workers, etc.

        “I’ve been living in SIP for about 10 years, and I nearly participated all the previous sessions of the Suzhou Jinji Lake Half Marathon,” said Martin Zachrisson.

        “It is not just a run, but also a tour. I like the beautiful lake and these buildings,” he added.

        For the participants, the Suzhou Jinji Lake Half Marathon is a big party in spring.

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